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Tuesday 17 May 2011

PSN Down Again May 16

PSN Down Again May 16The PSN gamers are waiting once again but what does the PlayStation Network down on May 16 actually mean? Well since the PSN network has over 70 million users it actually caused the PlayStation Network to go down since the server could not handle the load all at once. This is kind of ironic since the avid PSN users wanted the Playstation network back so bad they actually caused it to go down on May 16.
This is mind boggling that the PSN fans have so many users it can actually affect several companies or people so you better keep them happy as far as I’m concerned. It is too bad that all of these Playstation users can’t come up with a way to save this country from the big banks that actually caused the United States to be in depression again. Although I’m certain this younger generation is content with conquering Blackops or COD which would have a lot of government officials happy.
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