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Friday 9 March 2012

Latest Solar Flare Activity: Report

Another Incoming CME
According to the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), the CME caused by the M6.3 Solar Flare early this morning, will have an Earth bound component that will likely re-intensify the Geomagnetic Storming on March 11th. Strong Geomagnetic Storming will again be possible.
The new WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction shows an impact Early Sunday morning at 07:00 UTC with a Solar Wind increase to over 600 km/s

Strong Geomagnetic Storm Subsides
A Strong G3 Geomagnetic Storm (KP=7) was in progress on Friday morning with the KP index reaching very close to the Severe G4 Storm Levels. Visible Aurora had been reported in many parts of Canada and Northern USA, however a very bright moon made viewing conditions a little tricky. The Bz component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) ranged from -5nT to -15nT south for many hours and the Solar Wind speed ranged from 800 to 950 km/s. The Kp has since dropped below minor storm levels, however expect more Geomagnetic Storm in the days ahead.
The 6 Meter (50mhz) amateur radio band was full of Aurora signals throughout the early morning until Sunrise here in North America. Video will be available this weekend.

This geomagnetic storm was sparked by an incoming CME impact from an X5.4 Solar Flare early on Wednesday morning.